Hi, I'm John.
My first career was in finance, but I left my job in 2020 in search of something more fulfilling.
Within a few months, I decided to take my passion for finding the best premium ice cream into my own hands.
Over the next two years, I delivered almost 100 original flavors to several of my neighbors in exchange for anonymous feedback surveys. The results were sometimes good ("I could take a bath in this ice cream.") and sometimes not ("You should burn this recipe."), but I learned a lot and strove to improve my recipes.
Our ice cream is unique in several ways
Did you know that most "homemade" ice cream shops actually buy a pre-made ice cream mix and just add flavoring on-site? We make our base from scratch, which allows us to customize each base with unique flavoring methods, like substituting cream cheese and sour cream for heavy cream in our cheesecake base and using a ton of real peanut butter rather than a liquid flavoring in our peanut butter base. It's a lot more work (and regulation!), but we think it's worth it.
Apologies to ice cream purists, but I'm a sucker for texture and love ice cream that's loaded with chunks and swirls. If this sounds like you, please give us a try! We make all of our inclusions in-house with the fine ingredients like Valhrona chocolate, Heilala vanilla beans, and wild blueberries.
We also meticulously hand-pack our ice cream to ensure that every bite is fully loaded with our inclusions. Check out our videos on Instagram to see the magic happen.

I hope you can see that we don't cut corners and put our heart and soul into our work. We'd be honored for you to try our product.